Trends in AI: The Dawn of a new Tomorrow?

The development in AI was initially sparked by a question that seems simple at face value but has deep-residing implications: Can Machines Think?
However in today’s digital age, this would seem like yesterday’s stale news, because tomorrow is already here. AI is a rapidly growing industry today, with every techie eager to get a piece of the pie. Sci-Fi is now Sci-Reality. The initial debates on the morality of thinking machines have subsided, leaving the gold mine of Artificial Intelligence open to all for exploration.
With technological leaps bound only by imagination, there are some notable trends in AI worth discussing here. Using AI, Claim Genius handles claim processing, to make the insurance process more convenient and simpler for you. Let’s get started.
Neural Networks
The thinking capacity have been successfully imbibed into machines by emulating the way the human brain works. Feedback and self-learning mechanisms similar to the functioning of our neural systems have paved the way for AI to model the human being with impressive similarity.
ANNs (Artificial Neural Networks) are composed of multiple nodes, which are fashioned after biological neurons of our brain. The neurons form a complex network of links. Each node can accept input, process it and provide output with others through means of synapses. The result of these operations is passed to other neurons, thus simulating ‘thinking’.
Each link is associated with a weight, which can model our mind’s way of learning. Following bulletproof ANN Modelling practices enables your AI to boost its self-learning throughput.
Siri and her language proficiency
Natural language processing is one of the supportive pillars of AI. Apple’s Siri ushered in a new avenue for AI developers: the ability of machines to converse. NLP allows AI to converse with humans in our own language. AI achieves this by ‘learning’ about words, tokens, grammar rules, and other nuances of the language. It stores responses and uses a search mechanism to hunt for appropriate answers to questions directed at it.
Other examples of upcoming trends in NLP include the Google Assistant, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazon’s Alexa.
Hanson Robotics has not just set the benchmark for self-thinking machines, they have tastefully combined AI, engineering and pure art. The result? Sophia, the most advanced AI Robot, which Hanson Robotics call ‘a personification of our dreams for the future of AI, as well as a framework for advanced AI and robotics research. She’s become one of the hottest trends in AI, as an agent for exploring human-robot experience in service and entertainment applications.’ The mission behind creating Sophia was to achieve true AI sentience, i.e. the ability of a self-sustaining, self-responding machine.
Insurance Claims
We all have our apprehensions about contacting insurance agencies. Will I be serviced efficiently? Will be caught up in a whole lot of red-tapism? Claiming insurances can be a headache, considering the many intermediaries who will handle your claim. Today, even though the world has witnessed unbelievable technological advancements, processing auto claims is often a slow and painful process. AI proves handy here. Artificial Intelligence will capture your request, audit its validity and make its own decisions over what should be done next. AI can also assess damage, weed out fraudulent claims and facilitate direct communication between the customer and the decision-maker, thus eliminating the middle-men. AI achieves this through pattern recognition and self-learning.
Can we assist you?
Revolutionize your claims experience with Claim Genius. We are ardent believers in the power of AI. We believe in making things simpler. Our GeniusCLAIM technology reduces costly processing delays through the use of patent pending artificial intelligence (Al) damage estimation technology. Our Insurance process is swift, timely, and accurate. We are driven to make touchless claims more easily accessible to you.
Find out more on our Insurance Process page.